Arthur Camberlein >> SEO & Data articles >> I learned SQL a few years back: how did I do it?

I learned SQL a few years back: how did I do it?

Written by Arthur Camberlein | Published on & updated on

A little different from my posts about learning Python and how I learned R.

This is kind of the third article I am publishing about "How I learned" stuff and especially "Data languages".

The story behind the learning

The story behind the "Why did I learn SQL" is kind of funny: at the time still working as a Data Analyst in Luxembourg, I was creating reports with Power BI and we were building out data platform, so I took my chance and participated.

I knew very little about engineering or coding languages ... but I was curious and eagger to learn.

Following that I learn the "simple".

FROM data_base_name

The second real article about SQL

This is my second article about SQL on this blog, the first one was SQL 101 where I added some useful tips I learned along the way working with SQL. Yes, my SQL 101 is simple, but it's a introduction and some tips 😇

SQL is used everywhere

I am not joking, I realized that using SQL helped me better understand lots of things and I could use what I learned on a lot of things:

  • Inside the QUERY() formula of Google Spreadsheet
  • Connecting Google Big Query to Google Spreadsheet
  • Being able to look at data by myself and dig a little bit
  • Doing quick analysis, extractions & table to present to people
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Blog post taggued in: Data, Learning, Python SEO, SQL

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